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Don King Endorses Two Recovering Drug Addicts : Bush and Barry

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louis c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 07:51 PM
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Don King Endorses Two Recovering Drug Addicts : Bush and Barry
Edited on Sun Jun-13-04 07:55 PM by louis c
While I was getting ready for work, I saw that idiot Don King on Fox or CNN at around 11:00 A.M.(EDT). He was using some sort of unintelligible gobbly-gook for his support of the moron in the White House, all the while waving a little American flag.

The interesting part was when the interviewer asked about Marion Barry, and King professed his support of him, too. When confronted by the drug background of the former Mayor of D.C., King said that Barry was rehabed, and only in America can someone come back from that brink, to hold elective office. I'm sure the similarities between the politicians King endorsed were not lost on the audience.

On my way to work I thought to myself "why would Don King publicly endorse Bush?". Then it came to me "why not?" King served time in jail, made his money exploiting others' hard work and talent, was indicted for tax evasion and is probably saving a bundle with the Re pug's tax breaks for the wealthy. He's Bush's type of man.

Maybe Don King will be the Key Note speaker for shit head at the Republican Convention.
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walldude Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:05 PM
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1. Yeah that was hilarious
Saw this last night, bout the funniest thing I saw all weekend. My absolute favorite thing was King claiming that Bush has done more for black Americans than any other president in history. I guess he ment paying them off after purging their votes in Florida. Kings endorsement can only be a good thing for Dems. Having a convicted murderer, not to mention a blowhard, loudmouth crook, endorsing your candidacy can't be good.
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physioex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:13 PM
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2. Don King is to boxing...As Chalabi is to the Neocons..
Why are people so stupid? What does it take to get a message in some peoples head?
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