Here's an interesting tidbit:
Bill Lowering Electioneering Penalties
For Churches Partisan, Endangers Separation
Says Atheist Group
Proposed changes buried in an 397-page Jobs Creation Act would permit clergy to engage in overt, partisan electioneering and permit them to commit three "unintentional violations" pertaining to political activity without risking scrutiny or penalties from the IRS.
Known as the "Safe Harbor Churches" amendment, the plan comes after the Bush-Cheney campaign was exposed for trying to solicit support from 1,600 "friendly congregations" in the State of Pennsylvania.
Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists, charged that the measure introduced by House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) "is tailor made to encourage clerics to endorse partisan candidates, and get religious groups even more deeply involved in campaigns, without the fear of losing their privileged IRS tax exemption."
"It's a 'get out of jail' card for churches, mosques, temples and other sectarian groups," said Johnson.
http://www.atheists.orgForgive me if this has been posted before. I just found it yesterday. How it helps to creates jobs is anyone's guess.