The US is 5% of the world's population using 30% of the world's energy AND similar percentages of other non-renewable resources. If we 'westernize' the rest of the world we would need 5 earths to support the consumption. Imagine the energy needs of hundreds of millions of Chinese getting automobiles.
Oil DISCOVERY peaked in the 1970's, extraction is peaking now or in the near future. The 'War on Terrorism' is clearly a ruse to take over the world's oil supplies. Iran, Iraq, and SA contain about 30% of the world's known reserves. Notice the friction also with Venezuela, which exports over a million barrels a day to the US.
Our lifesytle is clearly unstainable. We must change NOW while we still have fossil fuels to make the transition.
Top inventions needed...IMO
Electrical Storage...This is the ONLY thing missing from practical electric cars and 24 hour use of solar and wind. Some progress has been made in the form of super capacitors rivalling the energy storage of batteries, but having quick recharge time and many more cycles. Electricity is the 'highest form' of energy...directly useable by motors with efficiency in excess of 90% with zero emissions. This should be the number ONE research priority in the US. See article... High Temperature Super-Conductor
This would allow solar power plants to be located in the southwest and wind power to be put in the windiest areas and supply electricity to the whole country. Solar-electric generators with about 30% efficiency have been demonstrated using parabolic reflectors and stirling engines. Also, high-temp superconductors would open up other possibilities in electrical storage in the form of huge coils.
Solar Stirling Design Electricity can be 'transported' much more cheaply than any type of fuel. Think of a wall plug in place of a gas pump.
Its ALL about oil, cheap energy, and the petro-dollar. We are attempting to corner the earth's remaining energy resources.
TOP issues of the 21st century...Energy and Environment. NOTHING else matters. Its survival now. Very profound choices we are facing.