A chill went down my spine as I read an account of a recent talk given by Seymour Hersh at the University of Chicago (via blogger Brad Delong):
"The other big news at work was a message sent to us from Ms. Rice, the National Security Advisor, thanking us for the intelligence that has come out of our shop and noting that our work is being briefed to President Bush on a regular basis. Now if we could declassify some of it in order to shut up these people who say we have no business over here, that would be the best day!"
I agree with Joe: let's declassify Condi's commendation to the sadists of Abu Ghraib, so it can be entered as evidence in her upcoming war crimes trial. Put her in the dock with Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the neocon gang, and broadcast the trial worldwide. That's the only way we're ever going to regain even a modicum of credibility, and not only in the Arab world.
I never thought I would say this, being a dyed-in-the-wool America Firster, but Abu Ghraib calls for an international tribunal, perhaps one organized by humanitarian and human rights organizations, including not only Iraqis but also the International Red Cross – which has apparently already carried out an extensive investigation. The London Telegraph reports: