for a First Lady I have ever seen, and I remember 'em back to Jackie. Every single one of them was a credit to her husband, even if her husband wasn't the paragon. Even Pat Nixon didn't leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. I loved Lady Bird. I LOVED Rosalyn Carter. I LOVED-LOVED-LOVED Betty Ford. And I STILL love Hillary. But barbara bush - well, to paraphrase a signature comment of hers - "...rhymes with runt." You look at her, and watch her behavior, and you come to some understanding of why her son is the jackass that he is. Learned it from his mom.
And by the way, even though Nancy Reagan was not my favorite First Lady, she's since redeemed herself in my eyes, and not just through last week, either. And to thumb one's nose at her in her big hour of grief (after a long week of grief) at the National Cathedral by wearing that nice light gray number instead of the muted, respectful black or dark-colored clothing, was just too transparent. NOBODY'S FOOLED BY YOU, bar. NOBODY. We ALL saw that. We SAW how you contrived to make yourself stand out, and to grab attention - away from the widow and family, and everyone and everything else except for your fat, selfish, smug, imperious self. And let's not forget the bright, sparkling, Pillsbury Doughboy outfit she wore to the coffin viewing in the Rotunda. Okay, bar, you didn't have enough of a spotlight all to your little, spiteful self? What a shitty, spiteful, SMALL creature you are. To take one last little subtle jab at Nancy. GEEZ. You'd think for all the upper-crust Connecticut/Maine elite blue-blood crap she pulls, she'd at least feel a little of the noblesse oblige that's SUPPOSED TO GO WITH IT.
My wish for her is that everybody, and I MEAN EVERYBODY, eventually feels toward her the way I do. I know damned well that's how I'M gonna remember you, babe. She's the first to dump on Hillary in that high-handed way of hers, but let's not forget that Hillary never said an unkind word about her, or about anybody else. Old bar has no class. She may think she's the queen mother of America's new "royal family," but she's nothing but dogshit to me. Even Nancy was never that haughty.