Saturday Night Live isn't this good!
I just got home. Been out all day...no access to TV or internet. So I pull into a fast food drive-thru opposite the mall on my way home. In the parking lot is a local news crew with their satellite truck. Crew sitting in camp chairs facing the mall.
As I pull up to the drive-thru window I ask the young woman what the news crew is doing there. She says there is a report the mall is going to be blown up. Okie dokey... I ask if the mall has been evacuated. She says "no". She then says something about "they should have done this a long time ago in Iraq" and something about "terrorism" (she was kind of incoherent but I took it that it was a "blame Iraq" type of statement. So I said "Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911. Even Bush said that." She laughed at me and handed me my change.
As I drove away I called my daughter on my cell phone. She said that, yes, Asscraft had been on TV earlier saying something about terrorists planning to blow up a mall in Columbus. That explains why, I suppose, the media was camped out in Cincinnati. :eyes:
The mall was, as reported, open for business. And, let me tell you, those news people were WAY too close if anything were to happen! :silly:
Such interesting times we live in!!