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So when should Kerry emerge from his mass media cave?

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ALago1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 07:46 PM
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So when should Kerry emerge from his mass media cave?
I think what put Kerry over the top in the primaries aside from the implosion of Dr. Dean was his public appearances and ability to get on every mass media program and convey a message and persona that resonated with Democrats.

From my personal viewing experience, he's been largely MIA the past couple weeks and is probably laying low until the convention.

Do you think as soon as the convention is over he should come out and kick the campaign into high gear? Or perhaps he should wait a little while longer and conserve his energy until more people are paying attention?

Money will undoubtedly be a factor and I say if Kerry has the finances, he should get to work asap and critique Bush on every move he makes and make his incompetence clear to the public.
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Dems Will Win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 08:20 PM
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1. The media is ignoring Kerry, like they did GORE!
did you know Kerry said when it comes to war, "I won't let Ideology Trump the Truth!"

or that "We need renewable energy so that no young soldiers ever have to die for oil ever again"

or that he has the most far-reaching Environmental Plan ever proposed??


It's all Reagan liked jelly beans and saved us from the Evil Empire. Even though they have started to cover the various scandals, they still don't EVER explain Bush vs. Kerry on Health Care, Education, etc. etc.

The country is being BAMBOOZLED is the proper word I believe.

We need to create our own TV, newspapers and magazines and Web sites and get out the truth!!!!!!!
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