1) Health Care: ask Canadians. See earlier post today. 2) Race to the bottom: the ultra elite wealthy do. They win no matter what 'game' is played. 3)separation of wages: We all come to value the 'simple' things in life.....like food (medical care already dangerously close here). 4)Racism comes from small minded insecure people who must put others down to push themselves up (in their own minds only of course). No matter what the government is likely, idiots will always be here. 5)Walmart...no comment 6)Poverty rate: see your question about CEO wages: poverty rate will not continue to hover, it will go up and up and up....or no, then again, the government can keep the dollar figure at a level that will define poverty level so that it fits the same percentage of people, regardless of reality (oh yeah, they do that NOW, don't they) 7)Corporate media....no comment...Howard Dean fan here!
Out of the box answer: when the oil wells run dry, everything will become completely different.....who knows? This could be a good thing....for those who survive.