American Holocaust against the Native Americans: The perpetrators of that one are buried in cemeteries across America. Hard to punish the dead.
Turkish holocaust against the Armenians: See above.
Rwanda: More than 2500 people responsible for driving the genocide have been tried for their crimes. Nearly 400 were sentenced to death, 800 were given life sentences, 500 acquitted, and the rest given varying sentences. Justice is being done there.
Kosovo: The International Criminal Tribunal has largely found that there was no genocide in Kosovo. The actual number of dead was much lower than was reported in the world press at the time of the intervention, and many, possibly most, of those were innocents simply killed in the crossfire between the Serbians and the KLA. While there were isolated incidents of ethnic cleansing, it was conducted by both sides of the war, and it appears that there was no high level directives ordering either side to carry it out.
Despite that, I should point out that many of the Serbians in charge of the Kosovo campaign are either convicted, wanted, or on trial at the Hague now for genocidal crimes carried out in the Serb-Bosnian war. Again, justice is being done (albeit slowly).