Outlook: Privatising Iraq will have dire results on the country and its people
|By Ahmed Musthafa, Special to Gulf News | 14-08-2003
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George W. Bush has appointed one of his business buddies as a privatisation officer in Iraq. Thomas C. Foley has accepted the position of Director of Private Sector Development for the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq, according to a statement from Pennsylvania-based firm TB Woods, of which he was formerly chairman of the board of directors.
Foley will be reporting to CPA Administrator, Paul Bremer, and will have responsibility for overseeing 194 Iraqi state-owned businesses. He will also be responsible for developing a privatisation plan and foreign trade and investment programmes for Iraq.
Foley was one of the main fund-raisers for Bush's election campaign. He will be joining a bunch of American businesspeople running the Iraqi economy such as Philip Carroll and Dan Amstutz. They'll be working closely with Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defence, who supervises Bremer and his CPA.
Philip J. Carroll is the U.S.-appointed chair of the U.S.-established 'advisory' committee for the Iraqi oil industry. He is former head of Shell Oil and Fluor (a firm invited to bid on Iraqi construction projects) and with substantial stock in both. He is also a major corporate player in Texas.
Dan Amstutz is running Iraq's agricultural industry. He is former senior executive of Cargill Corporation, the biggest grain exporter in the world, and president of the North American Grain Export Association.
During the Reagan administration, Amstutz drafted the original text of the main international agreements governing the trade of agricultural goods. Amstutz's rules allow wealthy countries to dump their subsidy-backed agricultural surpluses in world markets, pushing down prices to levels that growers in developing nations can't compete with.