At least startling to me...perhaps some DUers already knew this.
As I was driving to work this morning, I heard two distressing bits of information on NPR regarding the GOP prescription drug benefit:
1. Seniors can only make changes at the end of December; I suppose once you're in the program, you have to stay in until the end of the year. However, the drug companies can make changes whenever they want, even "daily" if they wanted. So when you receive your "drug discount card," you cannot expect the conditions to remain the same when you joined the program, and you cannot get out of the program if the drug companies change the rules to your detriment of dissatisfaction...
2. The FDA recently discovered that seniors who use the "drug discount card" will lose food-stamp eligibility. So, if you're elderly and on food stamps, you risk losing your food stamps if you use the "drug discount" program.
This is pure crapola of the highest caliber! If I'm mistaken on these points, or misunderstood the news report, please correct me...
We have this bit of GOP-induced legislative fiasco, but can still find the time and money to "debate" a flag-burning amendment??? Welcome to George W. Bush's Amerika!!!