Turnabout is fair play. Russo, Marsh, & Rogers-- AKA: Move America Forward
is the PR firm to which
this website, calling for people to prevent theaters from running
Michael Moore's new movie, was registered until they modified the
entry.Russo Marsh + Rogers, Inc.
770 L Street, #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: (916) 441-3734
Fax: (916) 441-6057
Sal Russo: srusso@rmrwest.com
Ron Rogers: rrogers@rmrwest.com
Teri Smith O'Rourke: torourke@rmrwest.com
Joe Wierzbicki : jwierzbicki@rmrwest.com
Kelley Afghari: kafghari@rmrwest.com
Douglas Lorenz : dlorenz@rmrwest.com
Corey Sparks : csparks@rmrwest.com
Sal Russo himself is still listed on the MoveAmericaForward site. Here
are some links about him.
http://www.defendreagan.org/?Page=AboutUs And about Howard Kaloogian, the Chairman of moveamericaforward.org.
http://www.fact-index.com/h/ho/howard_kaloogian.htmlHoward Kaloogian
was chairman of the Recall Gray Davis Committee
http://www.howardforsenate.com/ Howard Kaloogian, GOP candidate for the
http://www.defendreagan.org/?Page=AboutUs Howard Kaloogian also
launched a smear campaign against CBS and Viacon to prevent them from
showing the miniseries “The Reagans.”
Contact these "Domestic Enemies" and tell them what you think.