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If you don't think America has a Taliban, think again!

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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:13 AM
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If you don't think America has a Taliban, think again!
Southern Baptists weigh quitting alliance

The Baptist World Alliance, a loose federation of some 46 million Baptists, is facing a critical test: The potential loss of its largest member body and, with it, a third of its income.

The Southern Baptist Convention was expected to decide Tuesday whether to quit the alliance because some participants in its events are considered too liberal in theology or "anti-American" in tone.

The annual meeting of the staunchly conservative SBC, America's largest Protestant body with 16.3 million members, will receive the pullout proposal from the SBC executive committee. Such leadership proposals usually pass, which dims the alliance's prospects.

The SBC helped launch the Falls Church, Va.-based Baptist World Alliance in 1905 and it currently boasts 110 million Baptists ministering in more than 200 countries. An SBC pullout would cost it a third of its income base.

In other Tuesday business, thousands of attendees were to elect a new SBC president; the only announced candidate is the Rev. Bobby Welch of Daytona Beach, Fla. They also are expected to hear a video greeting from President Bush. And an evening program will urge Baptists to promote voter registration and work against gay marriage.
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Hoping4Change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:20 AM
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1. I say yahoo!! Divide and conquer.
I definitely think America has a Taliban. Fanactics can spring up anywhere in the world and American has its share of them in spades. But their downfall is that they can't stand compromise so they break apart.
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