Don't vote for Zombie.
Avoid any political candidate who lists his nickname as Destroyer, Cyber Avenger, Deathhead or Brain Driller. Stay away from candidates whose résumés include an affiliation with either Really Cruel Virus Writers or the Secret Society of Cyber Anarchists.
Don't choose a candidate who fits this profile: young, male, socially awkward, technically gifted, resentful, seething, unhappily celibate, and more likely to have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy five times than ever have had a dinner date with a woman. Be particularly wary if a fellow with these characteristics is also a native of Bulgaria, the Philippines or Palo Alto.
In the rush to junk those faulty, embarrassing, inaccurate chad-laden punch-card voting systems, elections officials in Florida and other states spent millions on touch-screen voting machines that, we're learning belatedly, might be vulnerable to computer hackers.|b|N