What's up with the White House press briefings?
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Tue Jun-15-04 01:54 PM
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What's up with the White House press briefings? |
I've noticed the lag time between the briefing and the posting is now so long the topic is usually stale by the time it makes it online. Josh Marshall's descriptions of Scott McClellan's verbal flailing are the only (partial) transcripts available these days. Is this a tacit admission the guy just ain't cutting it? I used to love reading those briefings. The latest full briefing available on the White House site is from June 3! I know there have been others since then. This is such typical b.s.
Kool Kitty
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Tue Jun-15-04 02:19 PM
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1. You're right. And, for that matter, what |
about the Pentagon briefings? Where's Rummy been? I did see him this morning at the Bush-Karzai Comedy Hour, yukking it up with Colin, but other than that appearance, he's been out of sight.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:54 PM
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