Dear Pam,
In April, you helped make national Party for the President Day a huge success, with over 5,000 parties in all 50 states with tens of thousands of the President's supporters who tuned in to hear Vice President Cheney.
Help make the next Party for the President even bigger: The second national Party for the President Day will be Thursday, July 15th. To join the Party today, click here.
Again, parties with 5 or more guests who RSVP at GeorgeWBush.com, will include a conference call with a very special guest and each party will receive an updated packet of campaign material, including a new Presidential video, exclusive to Party for the President hosts.
We have an exciting new addition to this round of parties: we'll provide you with postcards that your party attendees can fill out and mail to likely supporters in your area!
We have a hard fight in the days ahead and the President needs your help. These fun, informal events will help grow the President's strong base of support in local communities and enlist thousands to join our campaign.
There was such an overwhelming response to the first event and so much excitement about this next event, I hope you'll sign up to host a Party today.
Ken Mehlman Campaign Manager