you liberals. you're only agenda is crankiness and whining. you talk big, but we ACT big. you complain, we kick ass. there is NOTHING we can't do and there is NOTHING you liberals can do to stop us.
vote us out?!?! don't make us laugh, even if you dug up kennedy and he won by a landslide, we are still here, running things, conquering the globe. we rule, you liberals drool. we strip education funding, you whine and move on. we force religion down your throats, you just choke on it. we invade nations and occupy them, you sit there on your fat butts and complain.
you talk about taking back your country, hah! you call for civility and fairness and comety? we snicker and run right over you. so far, we've killed about 30,000 heathens to avenge 9-11, and about 850 soldiers killed, and roughly 3,000 crippled and maimed soldiers, and all you liberals can do is make impotent objections. pitiful.
we are torturing the muslims, conquering their lands, stealing their natural resources, terrorizing them, blasting them, burning them, and unleashing our god's wrath on them, and there's NOTHING you can do to stop us. we make plans for all out, eternal, world war, and you write your congressmen. absurd liberals.
we put the stupidest man ever born in the office of the president by theft and you just cry like babies. we never ever saw you as a threat to our agenda, because we know you'll just cry and piss and moan and lay down and roll over and take it in the end, like always. we are the movers and the shakers, you are the spineless quakers.
there is NOTHING liberals can do to slow us down in our quest to conquer earth. we control the senate, house, supreme court, the military, the giant corporations, the whole frikking football, you control your tempers.
go ahead liberal losers, rant, rave, call representatives, tear your hair out, demonstrate, organize, write stupid columns and fritter your time away on liberal internet chatrooms and all the while, we will be ripping it all away from under you. you are so pathetic, so easily cowed, so innefective and laughable, we don't understand how you let us get away with it all, but you do.
so as long as this scenario continues, we the neocon carnivores, feeding on you the liberal herbivores, we're in like flynn. we kick butt, you sit on yours. hey liberals! yeah, you! you want a piece of me? huh? i didn't think so.