If the economy is in revival...
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Wed Jun-16-04 09:39 AM
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If the economy is in revival... |
then how come I'm being laid off as of july 30th 2004??? After 12 years of moderately faithful service...
Thanks Mr. President you miserable petulent shitheel! If you can't take the heat in the rose garden then GET OUT OF THE OVAL OFFICE!
Oh and Mitt Romney is to blame as well...hope he has a nice weekend in his "vacation home" which just so happens to be in "New Hampshire"... Jerk! :) www.chimesatmidnight.blogspot.com
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Wed Jun-16-04 09:51 AM
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The economy is doing 'well' if you're rich.
"I see plenty of jobs advertised in the paper" - Reagan
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Wed Jun-16-04 10:06 AM
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2. Yeah whaddaya gonna do....? |
a nation of yeoman freemen is now a republic of serfs. Oh well it was steady money while it lasted.
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Wed Jun-16-04 12:55 PM
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4. Did I mention that I'm 95% sure |
that it is all the fault of global Zionism? :) And a tip of the hat to GWB's "friends" in Riyadh... :)
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Wed Jun-16-04 10:08 AM
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3. i haven't worked . . . |
since May 2003.
i've been homeless periodically since then. things really suck right now.
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Wed Jun-16-04 01:32 PM
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stay with us, datasuspect; we DUers do care.
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Wed Jun-16-04 01:09 PM
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5. I am a social worker in the welfare-to-work field.... |
and I can tell you conclusively that there is NO RECOVERY, at least not here in California. We're having a bitch of a time placing competent and skilled people in any kind of employment with which they can support their families. That's because the jobs they're supposed to get simply don't exist.
I've known for awhile that DoL has been cooking the books on labor numbers.
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Wed Mar 19th 2025, 02:19 PM
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