Today Show and Michael Moore
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:24 AM
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Today Show and Michael Moore |
Anyone see the preview of Matt Lauer's (obvious RW agenda) interview of Michael Moore's failure to reveal his footage of prisoner abuse from F911? I think this is an angle they will use against MM. Then they had a story on how the employment scene was good news but in the end there was no good news. The Today show is becoming a real waste of time. Katie is probably the only one who really questions the status quo. What do you think?
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:28 AM
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1. They were plugging the rest of the interview, which |
airs later this week on one of their nighttime shows. That snippet wasn't worth waking up for.
I thought MM handled the whole thing really well. "If I had released it, you guys would have said I was just looking for publicity."
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:30 AM
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did well too, but he will need to have a better justification than that, don't you think?
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:33 AM
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For people like MM it's lose-lose with these corporate media whores. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
I don't think MM had any way of knowing that the torture problem was systemic and came right from the top. His tape supplements the other pics. That's all.
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:38 AM
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:31 AM
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3. Katie has a 65 million dollar salary from a defense contractor |
And it shows. Which is a shame, because, damn, you want to like her.
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:34 AM
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but she at least tries (woefully inadequately though) to at least question some of the rw garabage GE puts on the show.
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:33 AM
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4. That's nothing, Bush knew about it for a year. |
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Wed Jun-16-04 11:36 AM
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Wed Jun-16-04 12:13 PM
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9. There might be a real positive slant to his not turning in footage. |
What do you think of this? Had Moore released the footage the military might have got wind that other photos were out there and destroyed them before they were aired. Not only would have these atrocities been buried but Moore would then have been accused of making a mountain of of a molehill.
If Moore is to be faulted, it would be because he like everybody else never expected the US to stoop so low. He probably gave the military the benefit of doubt and assumed this was an isolated incident.
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