One of "The 26" on O'Franken now...
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Wed Jun-16-04 01:36 PM
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One of "The 26" on O'Franken now... |
Edited on Wed Jun-16-04 01:38 PM by Richardo
Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change
Missed his name.
Former Ambassador to Kenya, Marine in Korea.
On edit: Sorry my transcription skills are so shitty. :spank:
(1000+ posts)
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Wed Jun-16-04 01:44 PM
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1. They had 60 some jourrnalists at their press |
conference today. I wonder how many stories will actually get aired/printed?
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Wed Jun-16-04 01:51 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:14 PM
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