Interesting article on the state of the Veepstakes
A recent Associated Press poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs suggested that a majority of registered voters want Kerry to pick Edwards.
Four years ago, few predicted that Bush would turn to Cheney, who headed his search team, or that Lieberman would become the first Jewish vice presidential nominee.
"The vice presidential nomination almost always doesn't go to the person who the people most expect. That doesn't bode well for John Edwards," said Steve McMahon, adviser to former Kerry rival Howard Dean.
One certain surprise would be Dean. His campaign against Kerry was bitterly fought, and advisers to the presidential candidate point to Dean's low approval ratings among voters. Still, the former Vermont governor is keeping hope alive by campaigning for Kerry in states where independent Ralph Nader cut into Gore's vote four years ago.
Another former rival, Dick Gephardt, is well liked by Kerry and many of his advisers. "I'm happy to do whatever the Kerry campaign wants me to do to win this election," the Missouri congressman said in Michigan a month ago.
Among those also doing vice presidential spade work: retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark, Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, former Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia and Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico.
Much more at: will it be?