I work in a molecular genetics lab in a university in which our Principal Investigator told us in a meeting today that if Bush gets re-elected and follows through on his vow to freeze NIH spending (thus virtually eliminating funding for new grants as as much as 90% of their money would then be tied up in pre-existing grants) we'll pretty much be screwed. Meanwhile, our lab is a leader in its field, performing research related to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Diabetes, etc. that has been published in all the most prestigious journals (Science, Nature, PNAS). So in case you have any conservative friends or relatives who might just possibly be a bit nervous about getting something like Alzheimers or Parkinsons disease, or knows someone who might be, or knows someone who might HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR ITERMINABLE CARE, and all your arguments to change their minds about Bush have failed, then maybe you should try this one if you havent already - they might find it compelling. Because to be sure, my lab is hardly an anomaly in this case.