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Question on Campaign spending, Accepting the Nomination and timing...

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Rosco T. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 06:41 PM
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Question on Campaign spending, Accepting the Nomination and timing...
OK.. the big bro-ha-ha on Kerry delaying actually 'accepting' the nomination was that after he accepts the nomination he can only spent the federal campaign money and Shrubya is playing games to delay it as long as he can (oh, I hope that bites him in the butt and he's not on the ballot in those states where it's after the deadline)...

all right.. riddle me this...

does the law say you can't SPEND the money or campaign ads can't be PAID FOR with the money after that date???

would there be anything to stop the Kerry campaign from buying ad time, using identifying tags like "Kerry'04 - ad#2312" and PAYING FOR THEM before the convention/nomination, but they AIR during that time period between Kerry accepts and Shrubya is anointed???

the money was SPENT before the deadline, but not taking delivery till AFTER the deadline.

by using a generic tag, they could deliver any message needed during that time frame by just sticking that "Kerry'04 - ad#2312" on it and it would run at the time they choose?

or is that too simple a way to counter Shrubya delaying tactic????
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eileen from OH Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 08:29 PM
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1. You can't take donations OR spend
I dunno about "pre-paying". Good question. I can check with the local Kerry rep.

eileen from OH
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OKNancy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 08:56 PM
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2. It is not going to be as bad as some people think
Kerry can give any surplus he has to the national committee. He has no control over the spending, but I'm sure the DNC will be most accommodating.;-) Additionally, all the big givers can give up to $25,000 to the committee rather than $2000. Then there are ways for Kerry to transfer some of his extra primary funds in to the "legal and accounting" parts of his campaign.
Also, Kerry can still raise funds, he will just be raising the funds for the DNC rather than his personal coffers.

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