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Things You REALLY have to believe to be a Democrat these days

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cheezus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 09:42 PM
Original message
Things You REALLY have to believe to be a Democrat these days
The freeper from had a few things wrong, so I thought I'd correct him.

Things you REALLY have to believe to be a Democrat these days:

Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...even if the addict the most hateful person you can imagine and is an outspoken proponent of harsh sentences for drug users. You applaud the ACLU for taking the high road in accepting his privacy case, even though he's attacked the ACLU for years

The United States should participate the United Nations. The highest authority for our state is not God but rather the U.S. Constitution. We believe that we should participate in world affairs rather than dictate them.

Dangerous things that affect the health and well being of the general public, like automobiles, raw meat, guns, and drugs should be regulated. People who hurt others through their actions should be brought to justice. People who hurt only themselves with their actions should be helped.

"It Takes a Village" means that we have a responsibility to provide for the fundamental needs of those around us.

Requiring full registration and licensing of weapons leads to a well trained and ready local militia having the guns instead of criminals and children.

Granting a woman the same right as a man to decide what happens to her body is necessary. Less abortion will result from quality sex education and high availability of birth control and emergency contraceptives.

Every religion should be respected in public schools, but none should be promoted. School children should not be forced to repeat a fifty year old relic of fear and hatred of atheism.

The best way to support our troops is to deploy them when only absolutely necessary, give them everything they need plus more in the field, and treat them like the heroic public servants they are upon their return. If our soldiers are unnecessarily harmed by a policy, it is our duty as patriots to protest that policy.

Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the
governor of California or the President of the United States. Recalls and impeachments, however, should be saved for true corruption or total ineptitude.

Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed
choices about sex. If all teens had nearly unstoppable hormonal urges to shoot guns, gun education would be necessary as well.

Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist, but the black kid who beat up that honkey when they were 11 isn't; women are
blameless for the hatred of the rapist, but the rapist's father who beat women and laughed to his son isn't; The average American is blameless for the hatred of the Islamic Jihadists, but the American government through their policies, under both parties, isn't.

Poverty is a major factor in almost almost everything that's wrong with America, but it's generally the most well off who create the biggest problems.

The Patriot Act is a knee-jerk, horrific compromise of Constitutional rights. If we were to follow the 2nd amendment to the letter it would mean that everyone could have whatever and ANY weapons they wanted. We have to draw the line somewhere.

We should honor our pacts with our age-old allies, and we should be putting every effort into making new allies as well. If we can't even handle Iraq, what makes us think we can rule the entire world alone?

Given a choice between a) Great health care for a few and none or barely enough for most, or b) pretty good health care for all -- we'll take B, thanks

We already spend enough on health care match countries with socialized medicine. We'd rather that money was being spent on treating patients rather than making the health care industry rich.

Our left wing pundits are just as qualifed as the right wing pundits to make a comment. We're sorry movie stars like us more than you, please don't feel bad.

A president who lies under oath about sex should be ashamed. A president who lies to take our country to war should be replaced.

Dodging the Vietnam draft is understandable, but not heroic. Sending young people off to die in an unnecessary war after doing so is shameful.

Most importantly:

When we as a nation have the ability to fulfill the basic human needs of our population, we have a moral obligation to do so.
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Lucky Luciano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 09:52 PM
Response to Original message
1. Very nice.
I cracked up at:

"Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed
choices about sex. If all teens had nearly unstoppable hormonal urges to shoot guns, gun education would be necessary as well."

Way to go!!

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cheezus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 09:53 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. did you read the linked post too?
i tried to go for line by line... but half of the freepers were about the 2nd amendment.
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Lucky Luciano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 10:00 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yes...I read most of the other post,
but also got bored with the overemphasis on guns. All in all, though, you make a very good come back.
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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
4. Response
Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...even if the addict the most hateful person you can imagine and is an outspoken proponent of harsh sentences for drug users. You applaud the ACLU for taking the high road in accepting his privacy case, even though he's attacked the ACLU for years


The United States should participate the United Nations. The highest authority for our state is not God but rather the U.S. Constitution. We believe that we should participate in world affairs rather than dictate them.

Agreed to a point. There are advantages to being the biggest dog in the yard, one of which is the ability to dictate when necessary. I speak of genocidal situations or other human catastrophes, too many of which the beneficient UN has not sufficiently dealt with because of one fundamental flaw: A body which gives control via votes to a host of nations will invariably have given the vote to one or two nations who aren't keen on 'the greater good,' if you get me. That leads to foot-dragging, bureaucracy and a lot of dead people...unless there's someone around to say JUST FUCKING DO IT, or if that fails, to roll up sleeves and get it done. See: Darfur.

Dangerous things that affect the health and well being of the general public, like automobiles, raw meat, guns, and drugs should be regulated. People who hurt others through their actions should be brought to justice. People who hurt only themselves with their actions should be helped.


"It Takes a Village" means that we have a responsibility to provide for the fundamental needs of those around us.


Requiring full registration and licensing of weapons leads to a well trained and ready local militia having the guns instead of criminals and children.


Granting a woman the same right as a man to decide what happens to her body is necessary. Less abortion will result from quality sex education and high availability of birth control and emergency contraceptives.


Every religion should be respected in public schools, but none should be promoted. School children should not be forced to repeat a fifty year old relic of fear and hatred of atheism.


The best way to support our troops is to deploy them when only absolutely necessary, give them everything they need plus more in the field, and treat them like the heroic public servants they are upon their return. If our soldiers are unnecessarily harmed by a policy, it is our duty as patriots to protest that policy.


Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California or the President of the United States. Recalls and impeachments, however, should be saved for true corruption or total ineptitude.


Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed
choices about sex. If all teens had nearly unstoppable hormonal urges to shoot guns, gun education would be necessary as well.

Required? I'm enough of a prude to think that schools are a central part of a community, and that community should have a say about what does or does not get taught there (see: town councils, school boards, PTAs).

Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist, but the black kid who beat up that honkey when they were 11 isn't; women are
blameless for the hatred of the rapist, but the rapist's father who beat women and laughed to his son isn't; The average American is blameless for the hatred of the Islamic Jihadists, but the American government through their policies, under both parties, isn't.

Convoluted. If I were to write this sentence again, I'd say "A liberal's goal is to work towards a lessening of hatred across the board. That, again, goes back to education. Education is the silver bullet."

Poverty is a major factor in almost almost everything that's wrong with America, but it's generally the most well off who create the biggest problems.

True dat.

The Patriot Act is a knee-jerk, horrific compromise of Constitutional rights. If we were to follow the 2nd amendment to the letter it would mean that everyone could have whatever and ANY weapons they wanted. We have to draw the line somewhere.

The Patriot Act is an extension of the War on Drugs. Most of the stuff that freaks us out about the Patriot Act has been on the books for decades, just in smaller form. I'm just saying that the PA is the tip of a much larger iceberg that goes back to Band-aid solutions like the 'Drug War.' Had we treated drug addicts as you described above, and looked at the larger social fabric that creates despair in the first place, ther would never have been a 'Drug War'...or a Patriot Act.

We should honor our pacts with our age-old allies, and we should be putting every effort into making new allies as well. If we can't even handle Iraq, what makes us think we can rule the entire world alone?


Given a choice between a) Great health care for a few and none or barely enough for most, or b) pretty good health care for all -- we'll take B, thanks


We already spend enough on health care match countries with socialized medicine. We'd rather that money was being spent on treating patients rather than making the health care industry rich.


Our left wing pundits are just as qualifed as the right wing pundits to make a comment. We're sorry movie stars like us more than you, please don't feel bad.

Wrong. Left-wing pundits are morons. :)

A president who lies under oath about sex should be ashamed. A president who lies to take our country to war should be replaced.


Dodging the Vietnam draft is understandable, but not heroic. Sending young people off to die in an unnecessary war after doing so is shameful.


Most importantly:

When we as a nation have the ability to fulfill the basic human needs of our population, we have a moral obligation to do so.

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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 11:46 PM
Response to Original message
5. good job
I read the link first and it gave me a headache, the way our beliefs are twisted by the freepers.

One sentence confused me a bit: "Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California or the President of the United States. Recalls and impeachments, however, should be saved for true corruption or total ineptitude."

You are talking about past offenses of drug use and groping (before being in office) and infidelity with a consenting partner while in office, right? I think I would prefer any president or governor be removed if they were found to currently be abusing drugs. However, infidelity while in office is despicable but does not affect your ability to govern (unless you are dragged through an impeachment trial).
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DBoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 12:38 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. despicable ?
Annoying maybe..
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 12:44 AM
Response to Original message
7. Yes, I agree with most of your post and it's not that I
disagree. It's that I would probably refine a few points and add to others, but then I didn't even take the trouble to write this and you did so, bravo.
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cheezus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 04:04 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. well, it's just that I saw the other one and had to go point for point
I could come up with a much better list ofwhat we actually believe.

just needed to be a debunker.
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redqueen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 04:16 PM
Response to Original message
9. I love it
Edited on Thu Jun-17-04 04:16 PM by redqueen

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