Edited on Wed Jun-16-04 11:25 PM by troublemaker
Q: The Vice President, who I see standing over there, said yesterday that Saddam Hussein has long-established ties to al Qaeda. As you know, this is disputed within the U.S. intelligence community. Mr. President, would you add any qualifiers to that flat statement? And what do you think is the best evidence of it?
PRESIDENT BUSH: Zarqawi. Zarqawi is the best evidence of connection to al Qaeda affiliates and al Qaeda. He's the person who's still killing. He's the person -- and remember the email exchange between al Qaeda leadership and he, himself, about how to disrupt the progress toward freedom? This exchange today really pissed me off when I watched it. Everyone in the media has many unanswered questions about Zarqawi and here's the President taking questions and seemingly eager to talk about the guy. But that was it for Mr. Zarqawi at today's event.
Every reporter has their precious little question ready and no matter what happens they're gonna' ask it. I swear, if Bush answered one question by referring to "the first time I killed a woman with my bare hands" the next question would be about Social Security or Flag day.
Two possible follow-ups to the statement that Zarqawi is our last remaining pretext for the Iraq War:1) Mr. President, how many legs does Zarqawi have? Before the war your administration said that Zarqawi received medical care in Baghdad and had his leg amputated, but in the Nick Berg murder video the man your administration identified as Zaqawi seemed to have two legs. What's your current thinking on that?
2) Mr. President, with what you know now do you regret canceling the planned operation to kill Zarqawi before the war? And what was you reason for that decision? Was it a matter of military feasibility or, as has been suggested, a political decision to retain support for the war?