(thanks, democrats.com)
__Payments for Perle
Ari Berman writes: "An odd thing happened when a European TV station approached Richard Perle for an interview... the station badly wanted Perle, as chairman of the influential Defense Policy Board, to articulate the Pentagon's Iraq policy. But Perle demanded a fee. Though startled by the request, the news station violated its strict no-pay policy and obliged the chairman. During and after his chairmanship, Perle used his insider status to demand fees for appearances on a number of foreign broadcasts, which included British, Canadian, Japanese and South Korean TV. Fees ranged from under $100 to $900... but federal regulations covering officials in his capacity make no distinctions based on amount. Nor is this the first assertion of dubious dealings by Perle. In the past few months, The New Yorker and the New York Times have both raised serious questions about whether Perle has used his government post for private gain."