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Prove Bush a liar

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Cocoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 12:52 PM
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Prove Bush a liar
I'm sure there are many quotes to be found which can prove this statement is a flat lie:

"This administration never said that the 9-11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al-Qaida," he said.

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PoliticsSportsMusic Donating Member (219 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 12:57 PM
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1. I could be wrong but I don't think they ever said that.
I remember them saying that Saddam could supply A-Q with nuclear devices but not that Saddam had a hand in 911...but with more and more lies and scandals coming out everyday for months its hard to keep up with them all.
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FloridaPat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:11 PM
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2. The put two facts together and let the public tie the knot.
They said Sadam had ties with al Aqida and terrorists in general and then said al Qaida did 9-11. When you use those two sentences together in basically the same paragraph, it's logical to connect the two. The American public did just that. Also, they repeatedly said that al Qaida had bases in Iraq. That was true. But the bases were in the part of Iraq not ruled by Sadam.

The intent was to mislead. They mislead. 35% of the public still believe Sadam helped in 9-11.
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lovedems Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:11 PM
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3. I found this


But before the war and since, Bush and his aides made rhetorical links that now appear to have been leaps:

- Vice President Dick Cheney told National Public Radio in January that there was "overwhelming evidence" of a relationship between Saddam and al-Qaida. Among the evidence he cited was Iraq's harboring of Abdul Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

- Administration officials reported that Farouk Hijazi, a top Iraqi intelligence officer, had met with bin Laden in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 1998 and offered him safe haven in Iraq.

Bush, Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell made much of occasional contacts between Saddam's regime and al-Qaida, dating to the early 1990s when bin Laden was based in the Sudan. But intelligence indicates that nothing ever came of the contacts.
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SlingBlade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:19 PM
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4. OK, Let’s see
Bush, Yep, He’s a fucking liar, His lips are still moving, And the Goddamned thing about it is, He aint even smart enough to tell his own lies.
He’s still wearing that fucking earpiece

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bluedog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:25 PM
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5. Text of a Letter from the President to Speaker of House...
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate

March 18, 2003

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President

Consistent with section 3(b) of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), and based on information available to me, including that in the enclosed document, I determine that:

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will neither (A) adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq nor (B) likely lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and

(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.



He tried to directly link the 9-11 attack to Iraq!

# # #
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imax2268 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:28 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. my question is...
did he really write that...he can't even speak...
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Rainbowreflect Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:39 PM
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7. I think what they did was more evil than saying it out right.
They would say "we must remove Saddam because of 9-11", "he's a terrorist, we cannot forget 9-11", etc, etc.
They know many Americans who believe that meant Saddam was connected to 9-11, but when it was showen to be untrue, as they knew it would be, they had the ass's covered, "We never said that".
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BillZBubb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:48 PM
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8. It's called "plausible deniability" in propaganda circles
They in fact never did say Saddam Hussein was directly involved in 9-11. But as many others have pointed out, they did say (OK, lied) Saddam and Al Qaeda had serious direct links. Cheney continues to repeat the lie about an Atta/Iraqi meeting in Czechoslovakia. They let the public make the (false) connection to 9-11.

Typical BushCo propaganda. Unfortunately most Americans bought it hook, line, and sinker.
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bluedog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 01:57 PM
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9. Propaganda
At another point, the president intoned: "Iraq will either be a peaceful democratic country, or it will again be a source of violence, a haven for terror and a threat to America and to the world." Now, as both Iran and Kuwait could testify, Iraq surely has been a source of violence in the past. But that sentence, with the positioning of the word "again," makes it sound as though Iraq has also been a regular staging ground for anti-US terrorism.

And, near the end of his prepared remarks, Bush declared: "The terrorists have lost the shelter of the Taliban and the training camps in Afghanistan. They've lost safe havens in Pakistan. They've lost an ally in Baghdad."

Taken together, the effect of Bush's comments was to conflate postinvasion violence and terrorism inside Iraq with prewar terrorism outside Iraq and to suggest a connection between the deposed regime and Sept. 11.
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Cat Atomic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 02:02 PM
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10. Cheny said the following on Meet the Press (09/29/03):
Edited on Thu Jun-17-04 02:05 PM by Cat Atomic
Cheney described Iraq as "the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under assault for many years, but most especially on 9/11."

He also repeatedly claimed that Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intelligence in Europe. He did qualify it as a "Czech claim", though the Czech's had already investigated the story and found nothing to support it.

If that's not claiming a Saddam/ 9-11 link, I don't know what is.
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Cocoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 03:36 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. that's pretty good
get people thinking Iraq = Afghanistan.

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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 02:17 PM
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11. "I Trust the People" GW Bush*
"Only machines can be trusted because they are objective while people are subjective" GW Bush*
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