Some were hypnotized, but not enough. Ronald Reagan: Right on the Money?
ABC News Poll.
June 9-13, 2004. N=1,001 adults nationwide.
"Thinking about U.S. currency, would you support or oppose removing Alexander Hamilton's portrait from the 10-dollar bill and replacing it with a portrait of Ronald Reagan?" Half-sample (Form A, MoE ± 4.5)
Oppose Unsure
% % %
6/04 36
54 11
"Thinking about U.S. currency, would you support or oppose removing Franklin Roosevelt's portrait from the dime and replacing it with a portrait of Ronald Reagan?" Half-sample (Form B, MoE ± 4.5)
Oppose Unsure
% % %
6/04 31
59 10
CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll.
Dec. 5-7, 2003. N=1,004 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
“Finally, thinking about U.S. coins: Would you favor or oppose a bill that would remove Franklin Roosevelt's portrait from the dime and replace it with a portrait of Ronald Reagan?”
Oppose Unsure
% % %
12/03 16
82 2