McCain's true colors
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:48 PM
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:50 PM
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:50 PM
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2. McCain's in it for himself. |
always plays both sides of the fence.
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:51 PM
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I guess it's OK for the president to dump all over you, as long as he's from the RIGHT party!
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:53 PM
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4. Was there ever any doubt? |
Hopefully, this will put to rest all that Veep bullshit.
geek tragedy
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:53 PM
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5. That sound you hear is that of |
a backfire.
They turned McCain into this godlike figure of American populism. Now, the fact that this REPUBLICAN is campaigning for Bush is seen as a major coup.
That VP talk went on far too long. Now it's going to bite Kerry in the ass.
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:55 PM
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6. Not really. All they have to do is remind McCain of Bush's smears in 2000 |
You know, suggesting in South Carolina that he had fathered bastard children of inter-racial mix.
colonel odis
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:56 PM
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most people would keep their mouths shut about it if they spurned the alleged overtures, instead of using it as a way to seek bush's approval. like a pathetic puppy dog.
of course, that's assuming overtures were actually made and the gop isn't making the whole thing up from the start.
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Thu Jun-17-04 04:56 PM
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8. Did you expect different? |
McCain was campaigning for Bush in the NH primary. Why shouldn't this be a surprise?
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Thu Jun-17-04 05:00 PM
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9. You Really Have To Wonder |
what makes McCain tick.
He is no maverick.
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Thu Jun-17-04 05:04 PM
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10. McCain will be *'s VP |
when Unky Dicky retires due to heart problems
that is why they are trotting him out with the chimp on AF One
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Thu Jun-17-04 05:11 PM
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That's the deal probably, Bush needs someone to prop him up. But what kind of corksoaker is McCain to forget what Rove did to him and his family in 2000? How could he forget that? They got him some new knee pads!
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Thu Jun-17-04 05:15 PM
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12. actually, that probably makes sense if McCain wants to be president . . . |
if he runs with the shrub and they win, he just has to wait a few months for the impeachment proceedings or the resignation under indictment, whichever comes first . . .
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:20 PM
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