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Let's debunk the Citizens United ad

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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-18-04 07:35 PM
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Let's debunk the Citizens United ad
All right, I know there are already a few threads on this ad along with links to CBS to protest their airing it due to their hypocrisy in claiming to not take "issue" ads from Move On during the Super Bowl.

However, it's not just the hypocrisy, it's the fact that this ad is BULLSHIT! While the narration doesn't outright lie it is EXTREMELY misleading. I feel we should not only object to them airing it for their stated policy reasons, we should answer all the charges therein and send LTE's as well as include the debunking in protests to CBS. There are many here more knowledgeable and eloquent than I so I could use some help. (Also, just had a BOFFO idea, think there's any chance Move on could put together a quick debunking ad to run opposite? I can dream, can't I?)

Here's the text of the ad:

June 17, 2004
Citizen's United Television
30 Seconds

D = Description
N = Narrator
me here at DU with suggested response

D: Cover of Bill Clinton's new book. (My Life Bill Clinton)
N: "Here is what you might miss in Bill Clinton's new book"

D: Image of police (4) helping a women whom is injured (FONT: February 26).
N: "When terrorist bombed the World Trade Center in 1993…..What did Clinton do?"
He hunted them down and prosecuted x out of x who are now serving hard time in prison

D: (Panning in) Image of the military building after being bombed (FONT: June 25, 1996).
N: "They bombed our military in Saudi Arabia,"
I know Will wrote an excellent article debunking the general myths proposed in this ad, including this one, I'll go look

D: (Panning in) Image of one (1) Embassy after being bombed (FONT: August 7th, 1998).
N: "US Embassies were hit,"
Ditto above

D: (Panning in) Image of the U.S.S. Cole (FONT: October 12th, 2000).
N: "the U.S.S. Cole attacked,"ditto above

D: Image of solders carrying a dead soldiers, in his coffin, off a ship.
N: "Americans died…..all while Bill Clinton was President"
How about images of coffins from Iraq

D: Cover of Bill Clinton's new book (My Life Bill Clinton Changes into My Fault Bill Clinton)
N: "So who is responsible for leaving us vulnerable to terrorists… don't need Clinton's book to know,
Bush is since C~Clinton did such a great job and Bush wanted to change the focus to star wars and internet porn

D: Image of the words spoken by the narrator.
N: "winning the war on terror demands a president who is willing to fight it."
Which is exactly why we need a change from someone who stopped the war on terror and instead invaded Iraq

Here's a link where you can watch it:

It is REALLY disgusting!!
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gmoney Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 06:08 PM
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1. kick
Just saw this before 60 Minutes... about the slimiest thing I've ever seen. (They seem to be linked to the Wash.Times/Moonie brain trust.
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wellstone dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 06:13 PM
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2. I hope
You've passed this idea on to
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