two minutes after Ghaida Ghantous
(of Bermuda-based Accenture 10bn Penta-contract)
releases them.
Sometimes the rightwingnuts even get the video
BEFORE the snuff movie has been released
Managing editor Jose Rodriguez warned me Monday, "Don't watch it. You won't be able to get it out of your head."
City editor Dave Naylor said: "You don't want to watch it."
So, on Monday, I didn't. I stayed away from the video of the beheading of Nick Berg by Islamist monsters who videotaped and then distributed their murderous act around the world using the Internet. even
BEFORE the actual murder has been committed.
"An Arab magic trick be able to execute a man on video tape (May 11), AFTER his body is found by U.S. forces, on May 10th!" is almost as if the radical Muslims are attached to the hip of the rightwinnuts.
And God forbid that the FBI should locate or shut down
a single one of those websites
whose funding has been traced back to both Texas and a certain London address.
No, the terriers always do something big whenever there is big and damaging news in the US such as the 9:11 Commisson statements showing that the Cheney White House,
and BUSH himself,
knew about the hijackings before any of the planes hit.
KEAN: Commissioner Roemer?
ROEMER: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Captain, just a brief follow-up to Commissioner Lehman's last question. He asked you: Were you satisfied with your connectivity to the White House and Air Force One? You said you were satisfied with the White House. Were you satisfied with Air Force One?
And I think it's been conveyed to you that in our interview with the president, the president said he was very frustrated and troubled with connections and connectivity that day.
LEIDIG: Sir, I can't speak to the connectivity with Air Force One. I was connected to the White House. And my understanding is Air Force One was in contact with the White House situation room. I was not in contact with Air Force One.
ROEMER: So you have no knowledge of that?
LEIDIG: No, sir.
(UNKNOWN): Is there no NMCC protocol to connect directly with Air Force One?
LEIDIG: Yes, sir, there is a capability to do that. On that day, we were connected with the White House.
ROEMER: Why weren't you using that other capability?
LEIDIG: I don't recall, sir.