I was just reviewing the thread about how awful DU'ers are for being awful, and there were an awful lot of awful things said supporting all viewpoints. I'm awfully glad to be able to read such diversity among my supposed "politically correct" Democrats and Liberals and Commies and Socialists and Hippies!
Thank you, children.
Death is bad. If you feel bad about an American being beheaded, then you BETTER feel bad about Iraqi children being killed and dismembered so Bush can feel good.
If you feel bad about Iraqi children being killed and dismembered so Bush can feel good, you BETTER feel bad about 3,000 Americans killed on 911.
If you feel bad about feeling bad, then come to my place baby, and BOY can I make you feel good.
That one was particularly disturbing.
But I'm an unfeeling anonymous internet poster, and my point is that my point is more important of a point than any point you can make about humanity. After all, we're at war, and the point of the war is to point out that at this point we're many points above our enemy, the Brown Skinned Iraqis; I mean our enemy the Right wing drooling fascists; I mean Snoopy.
That's not right either.
My POINT is that I fucking LOVE YOU GUYS! I love those of you who pull my "eeeeeew" switch, and I love those of you who pull my "roll my eyes" switch, and I especially LOVE those of you who write beautiful, simple wisdom amid the droning noise of this liberal cacophany of anti-Americanist noise that seems to drown out that horrible death of ultra-nationalism that threatens to take over our consciousness like an iron fist dripping with the blood of babies.
I got a little over-ambitious on that one.
Why are liberals so (fill in the blank?)
This is the biggest forum I'm aware of. It's got good, and bad, and bad, and good, and I'm really upset that not enough of you see the TRUE tragedy of the past weeks, and that is the death of Ray Charles.
You think I'm kidding, but FUCK YOU! I have my priorities too.
I don't know what' getting all these poor bastards beheaded, but I don't fucking LIKE IT, and I don't LIKE that instead of being a deeply feeling, compassionate human being, as I would LIKE TO DO, I'm forced into a cynical conspiracy mode, just like I am EVERY time bad news about our horrible Bush-helmed government's policies gets pushed into oblivion by a real event that may be manufactured, or may be real, or manufactured, or real.
I didn't like Paul Wellstone's plane going down, but I REALLY didn't like the Right wing droolers politicizing it by saying the left was politicizing it by pointing out that the POINT was that Paul Wellstone was a liberal, democrat political FIGHTER, and not fucking MICKEY MOUSE, or something.
I don't LIKE people being bombed; beheaded; chased with tanks; or any of the other fucking non-stop nightmare I'm being subjected to, and I would fucking APPRECIATE it if everybody would just STOP IT.
Anybody got a fucking PROBLEM with that?