Let's play "If I was Karl Rove"
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:49 AM
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Let's play "If I was Karl Rove" |
for a moment. See if we can get ahead of the tin foil curve.
Wouldn't a staged assassination of GW between the RNC convention and the elections be awfully convenient? It would have to be staged in a way that convinced people he was dead while they whisked him away to an undisclosed location.
Cheney would assume power. The elections would be delayed because of the lack of a Republican candidate. Many Dems would go along with this. They could keep finding excuses to put off the elections (the first one is the hardest to find.) More terror. No Republicans willing to become candidates during a suitable period of mourning (at least a few months). More delay while we hunt down the "killers".
What are the odds on a scenario like this?
(Mods feel free to lock if this violates the rules. I'd just like to reiterate that I am talking about a hypothetical assasination staged by right-wing cronies and am not advocating violence against anyone.)
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:53 AM
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1. The Manchurian Candidates been done |
Blue Wally
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Sat Jun-19-04 07:29 AM
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A HUMVEE rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue towing a circus cage with Bin Laden and Saddam inside say about Oct 20???
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Sat Jun-19-04 05:15 AM
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2. Foiled Terrorism Attempt. |
Possibly involving shots taken at either Bush or Cheney, or the re-emergence and capture of the mystery Anthrax mailer.
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Sat Jun-19-04 05:25 AM
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3. Let's play Dick Cheney ---- he would assassinate Bush |
IMHO, if it looked like Bush was going to lose, I could see Dickie killing * and running for Pres himself.
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Sat Jun-19-04 06:46 AM
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4. Failed assassination attempt--a great October Surprise |
A failed assassination attempt would be just the ticket to insure Dubya's reelection.
Bush could do a Reagan like quip as he goes bravely into the hospital. A steel jawed Dick Cheney would announce that the U.S. will search for and destroy the evil terrorists, while accross the country Americans hold canlelight vigils for their fallen leader. We could be treated to the scenes of Special Forces raiding the secret headquarters of the vile assassins--who would all end up conveniently dead--I'm sure Prince Abdullah or Pooty Poot or some other supportive foreign leader would be happy to let us wack some local terrorist cell for the cameras. Then as Bush emerges from the hospital a few days before the election, the handsome commander of the Special Forces unit hands him the rifle that they used to shoot him.
It would be glorious. NO it would be awful but I'm trying to think like a Republican strategist.
left is right
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Sat Jun-19-04 08:24 AM
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6. I know you are speaking hypothetical, but |
if there are praying people in this forum, I hope they are praying hard that this DOES NOT HAPPEN! We do not want this man to be a martyr or would-be martyr. If he is assasinated, we will never be able to rid this country of his stench and the truth about him will never be known.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:49 PM
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