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People were murdered on 9/11 and that is terrible but with

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moof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 08:25 AM
Original message
People were murdered on 9/11 and that is terrible but with
all due respect for them,
is anyone out there able to take all that is known now and
boil it down to the most likely possibility of what probably happened regardless of where the evidence so far leads no matter what
and pitch it as a film project.

It seems that even with all the complexities and details the main
story should be able to be conveyed in a paragraph or two.

Unless the movie Bob Roberts? was it? is completely off base many times the money people want a pitch for a project in just a few sentences.

Here's a try.

Main Character, America: a huge user of oil and sprawling massive wasteful collection of goverment, political and corprate groups that work toward a common goal but always look out for themselves first.

Minor players: the Saudi King: controls most of the flow of mideast oil and many portions of the political and corprate groups in America.

the Iraq dictator: puppet of America with a loud bark who's ability to bite is controlled directly and indirectly by America. Iraq is centrally located in the middle of the mideast oil and has a large portion of the oil flow under it.

OK America knows the world is running out of oil and the America's corprate group knows that soon the world's other major population groups will out populate them and advance to the point where they demand a fair share of the oil which will not leave enough oil for America.

To take over the world there are two problems.
1. America's population will not allow it without a major change in their ethos.
2. America has to have a beachhead to work from in the mideast since it is on the other side of the world.

In all of America's past minor attempts at empire have spawned several
loose knit organizations that play all sides to the middle and always look out for themselves.

The America plan is to dupe some of their shady pals into causing a minor event in america that can be used to convince Americans that they are in danger and to stay safe they must give up their ethos and allow Iraq to be taken over.

America does not know that at the same time America is being duped into training and helping the shady characters with a plan to cause a major event that will slow if not stop America's contorl of a lot of the world.

The Saudi King along with anyone else in the mideast that has some money, power, reputation or ties to someone that does, all get the picture fairly early on of what America wants and needs to accomplish their goal and does all that is necessary to allow the wants and needs to be met while taking steps to insure that the goal will go to anyone other than America.

Leading up to Sept.11 steps were taken that would allow enough confusion that no one would ever be able to figure out what had taken place and at the same time this confusion would help to insure the plan of a minor disaster too succeed.

At this point in the pitch there are two ways to go.
1. The event is to be very minor and none of the American groups foresees any of the planes being crashed into buildings.
2. America is planning to let one of the planes crash into the building and then double cross the rest of the people and shoot down or force their planes to land.

Since this the moof pitch go with number two and continue.

The main thing that is done is to not allow Norad to launch planes to intercept without the Sect. of Defence giving the OK first which means he knows when where and if to shoot down the plane before launch.

Next is to get bush out of washington so as to have more confusion and help explain the lack of action to defend America.

A series of war games are set up knowing that leaks will insure the hijackers and thus the minor plane event takes place on the day when it will be easy for the Sect. of Defense to later say he could not be sure that he was having the right plane intercepted because of the ongoing war games.

So on the morning of Sept. 11 America thinks all is going well when the first plane hits NYC at a time early enough that almost no one will be in any building yet.

After the first crash the Sect. of Defense is waiting for the phonecall that will have him make the other planes either forced or shot down.

This is what actually happens on Sept. 11

The flights are all delayed to different degrees and besides making it so there are more people present when the building is hit, there is not enough time in between planes to intercept the other planes because the hijackers are now carrying out their plan which is to take out the other WTC and the Washington targets instead of what ever the other minor plan called for. They succeed in no small part because the confusion was compounded by the unforseen collective butt covering that was attempted by the middle management corprate side of the airlines.

The problem gets yet more complicated because in the confusion there is so much false info it appears that there is a much much larger attack going on, making everyone think that they are a victim of someone having found out their minor plot and using it to make a huge attack.

Which explains a big part of the stonewalling. If what happened is not what America planned to have happen but it is obvious that someone knew what America was planing and used the info to make a major attack
it's best not to try and find out what happened because the major attack used the small attack to succeed. Also since America didn't know for sure what happened America can honestly claim it does not know what happened.

sorry for typo's but this took way longer than expected so just assume it's a rough draft.

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Mnemosyne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 09:05 AM
Response to Original message
1. very interesting!
Funny how the war games have barely been mentioned in main media.
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RC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 09:26 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Lots of funny things happened on 9/11/01
Edited on Sat Jun-19-04 09:27 AM by RC
and the comedians all seem to be in the bu$h appointed administration.
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moof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 10:46 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. and the war games would have been planed out a few
Edited on Sat Jun-19-04 10:47 AM by moof
weeks or a couple months so to make enough details were leaked to known operatives so that America could be sure that sept 11 would be the date without America ever having any connection to directing the date of the attack. It's a lot like Dallas in 63, just make sure everyone that wants to take a shot knows when the best time to try is going to be.
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