yea yea we know bush isn't the blame...
It's the liberals.
It's the ACLU.
It's Clinton.
It's Monica.
It's the "climate of permissiveness".
It's France.
It's the liberal media.
It's Clinton's p*nis.
It's Hillary.
It's Gov. Dean.
We never could have known they'd fly planes into buildings.
"No actionable intelligence". They didn't tell us to do anything.
O'Neill's lying.
Clarke's lying.
General Shinseki's lying.
The Union of Concerned Scientists is lying.
Our own weapons inspector David Kay's lying.
Wilson's lying.
John Dean's lying.
Everyone's lying but us
. We had to lie.
We never lied.
Plame outed herself.
It's Janet Jackson's boobs.
It's the Statue of Justice's boobs.
No one told us about the abuse.
It's a few rogue soldiers.
Reading the news might cloud my judgement. It's the "decade our government...blinded itself to our enemies".
It's the homosexuals wanting to marry.
"Restore honor and dignity to the White House".
A decision to go to war wasn't a decision to go to war.
"No actionable intelligence".
It's the pledge of allegiance. They're taking God out of America.
Osama didn't tell us when and how he'd attack.
The 9/11 Commission is biased against us, is dead wrong about anything that implicates us, and is totally right about everything that absolves us.
Saddam = Al Qaida. Saddam = Al Qaida. Saddam = Al Qaida.
We let Zarqawi go three times because we're fighting terrorists, you dumb libs.
Chalabi's an honorable man and I believe everything he says about WMDs.
Chalabi's a crook and he passed secrets to Iran.
Chalabi's the liberals' fault because they didn't shoot us when we started using his "intelligence".
It's all these former staffers hawking their books. Money never corrupted anyone.
It's only 26 lousy disgruntled bureaucRATS.
The Pope won't campaign for me.
"I'm a uniter, not a divider!"
It's the stem cells.
It's the feminazis,
the intellectual elitists, and the ecoterrorists.
It's Cthulhu.
It's the martians.
It's anybody but Bush.
Well, fine then. ANYBODY BUT BUSH IN 2004!
Take positive action to improve America!