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Criticism of some Americans in Saudi Arabia

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TexasSissy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 11:09 AM
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Criticism of some Americans in Saudi Arabia
This is a slightly critical post about some Americans who live and work in Saudi Arabia, which I am posting because of the Paul Johnson horror.

Mr. Johnson had been living and working in Saudi Arabia for 13 years. By his family's account, he loved it there. Several months ago terrorist hits of the American compounds and on Americans increased signficantly. The U.S. government warned all Americans to leave Saudi Arabia. Mr. Johnson lived in Riyadh, where most of the terrorist hits had occurred. Mr. Johnson chose to stay there because, according to his family, he felt safe.

I have a relative by marriage who is living and working in Saudia Arabia. He and his wife live in an American compound a bit of a ways from Riyadh. They have been there for about five years. Their compound was hit recently, and 20 people died (I don't know if they were Americans or if that was the one where Muslims got killed). They have chosen to stay. Why? Because they like it there, and they feel safe. They don't even live near Riyadh, they said. His contract runs out next year. Are they returning to the states at that time? Not on your life. He's going to work in a neighboring Arab state, and SHE is going to remain in Saudi Arabia alone, and go visit him @ his new location from time to time.

Now, when someone gets kidnapped and killed in such a horrific way, it's not the victim's fault. But in light of all that is happening there, it seems to me that our citizens who are living and working there are choosing money over safety. They must know, deep down inside, that they might lose their lives or get hurt. But they get paid very well while over there, and it's tax free. It's hard to walk away from that.

And I certainly don't understand my female relative liking it in Saudi Arabia, so much so that she is staying there while hubbie goes to work in a neighboring Arab state. She has no rights there, she cannot drive, etc., etc. And it seems like it'd be hot as the dickens there. I just don't get why our fellow citizens are staying there, even in view of the money.
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daa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 11:29 AM
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1. Very well said
my sentiments exactly. Life is all about risk and reward.
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