<A new report out today from the General Accounting Office (GAO) identified over $300,000 in wasteful purchases by VA officials at stores like the Sharper Image, Radio Shack, Gap Kids, and “The Brass Elephant.” Meanwhile, the VA is moving forward with plans to shut down veterans hospitals throughout the country.
Senator Max Cleland issued the following statement: “I think it is crazy that Bush’s VA is cutting veterans out of the system and closing hospitals during a shooting war. While the VA is raising the price of prescription drugs for VA members, VA officials are using purchase cards for personal shopping sprees. America’s servicemen and women deserve a President who will stand up for their rights, not a leader who is doctoring secret VA budgets and neglecting the needs of the troops.”
Charge It: The GAO Identified $300,000 In Wasteful Purchases By VA Officials:
The GAO identified over $300,000 in purchases that were considered wasteful including two purchases for 3,348 movie gift certificates totaling over $30,000 for employee awards that were not supported by award letters or justifications, a purchase for a digital camera for $999 when there were other less costly digital cameras widely available, and a purchase of three cases of beer totaling $38.
Over a Million Dollars in Improper Charges: An April 26, 2004 report from the VA Inspector General lists instances of fraudulent activity totaling $435,900 and numerous improper and questionable uses of purchasing cards totaling $1.1 million.
Radio Shack, Gap Among Purchases Where No Documentation Was Provided: Radio Shack-$3,305; The Sharper Image- $2,127; The Brass Elephant (Restaurant)- $2,081; Baltimore Orioles- $1,705; Gap Kids- $788.
Meanwhile, Bush’s VA Pleads Poverty, Shortchanges Veterans Health Benefits:
Principi announces 11 hospital closings: April 26, 2004 Secretary Principi announces 11 hospital closings and partial closings across the country. AP 5/6/04
Secret Memo Cuts VA Budget: In his secret budget memo, George Bush instructed the Veterans Administration that they would need to cut over $910 million from their budget. Washington Post, 5/27/04]
Vets pushed out of the VA health care system: The Administration boasts of cutting waitlists for VA health care, but they have done so by excluding nearly 500,000 veterans from enrolling in VA health care. >