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Unanswered 911 Questions - The odd- the sad - and the ugly

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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 11:55 AM
Original message
Unanswered 911 Questions - The odd- the sad - and the ugly
You are able to ennumerate the unanswered 9-11 questions better than I. Distilling the list to a potent brew without mention of the taboo US complicity issue should be a powerful tool right up through the election.

Lets get those topedos in the water everybody.

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zydeco Donating Member (152 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 12:15 PM
Response to Original message
1. When the 911 commission releases it's report we
should have all the answers, don't cha know. However, if they have failed to answer why the chimp remained seated for almost twenty minutes, after he knew about the second plane, then we will know there is a big time conspiracy working.
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KansDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 12:34 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thursday, at the 9/11 commission meeting...
There were a couple of outbursts from the victims' families in the audience. They were attempting in vain to get the commission to ask specific questions of a general (I forgot his name but he who to leave early) before he left for another appointment.

I sensed there are certain questions that 9/11 families want asked, but the commission refuses to do so.

Then I remember the commission members were all selected by Bush who for a long time tried to suppress the creation of such a committee. Then it becomes all too clear...
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JohnyCanuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 01:04 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. I heard one guy was ejected for asking about the 9-11 war games
9-11 War Games, No Coincidence

“I have an on-the-record statement from someone in NORAD that on the day of 9/11 The Joint Chiefs of Staff (Richard B. Myers) and NORAD were conducting a joint, live-fly, hijack Field Training Exercise (FTX) which involved at least one (and almost certainly many more) aircraft under US control that was posing as a hijacked airliner”.
Mike Ruppert – June 5, 2004, editor of FTW

On September 11, 2001, Richard B. Meyers, the acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has thus far claimed he was in a meeting with Senator Max Cleland, and was “unaware” of the ongoing 9/11 attacks until after the Pentagon was struck.


On September 11, 2001, the Air Force was in its second day of annual wargame drills, titled VIGILANT GUARDIAN, designed to test national air response systems, which incidentally involved hijacking scenarios. In addition the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) which is staffed by military and CIA personnel, and is in charge of most American spy satellites, was running a drill for the scenario of an errant aircraft crashing into its headquarters. NRO headquarters also happens to be located just four miles from Washington’s Dulles airport – where Flight 77 (the flight said to have hit the Pentagon) originated.


It is possible that Phillip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, has classified certain wargames running on 9/11 so the Commission can’t address them publicly. The fact that the war games are open source, having been reported in mainstream publications including the Associated Press, UPI, and Aviation Weekly Magazine would make such a classification part & parcel to a cover-up. Hopefully the Commission will address, in public hearing, the impact these wargames apparently had on the NORAD response on 9/11.

Minstrel Boy also started a DU thread on this:

and an Action Alert was sent out from the 9-11 Visibility Project at

Dear 9/11 Truth activists and concerned citizens,

The final 9/11 Commission hearings are scheduled for
this Wednesday and Thursday, and will be aired on
CSPAN. Ostensibly these hearings will focus on "the
9-11 Plot." However, given the Commission's failure to
ask any of the important questions at previous
hearings, no credible sources expect them to do so this
time. Therefore, this action alert does not ask you to
make another appeal to the commission. Rather it is
directed towards the media, at this crucial time, in
order to alert them to the fact that the 9/11
commission is a whitewash.

Please participate! The final hearings covering "the
9/11 Plot" combined with the upcoming release of
Michael Moore's new film, "Farenheit 911," provide an
incredible window of opportunity. The media and the
public have never been as skeptical of the official
story of 9/11 as they are right now!

We provide everything you need in this email, including
sample letters and media email addresses.

Towards 9/11 Truth,

Emanuel Sferios
Webmaster, 9/11 Visibility Project


(Feel free to copy and paste, or use your own words.)

Dear editor/reporter,

The final 9/11 commission hearings are upon us and the
important questions as put forth by the 9/11 families
have not been asked. Many of these questions pertain to
the evidence for Bush Administration complicity in the
attacks themselves, and the refusal of the 9/11
commission to address them is indicative of a coverup.

Ostensibly these hearings are supposed to focus on "the
9/11 plot" and the unprecedented failures of our air
defense system to respond to the hijacked aircraft. If
the commission took their mandate seriously, they would
inquire about the wargames that the US Military was
conducting on 9/11.

Wargames? What Wargames?

On the morning of Sept. 11 itself, the U.S. military
was conducting scheduled wargames and anti-terror
drills that included "airliner hijackings" as well an
"errant aircraft" crashing into a government building.
As referenced in the articles linked below, these
wargames have all been reported in the mainstream
media. Certainly they are relevant to the 9/11 plot. If
the commission is not a whitewash and truly wants to
get to the truth of 9/11, they will ask the hard

9/11 War Games - No Coincidence

The Cleveland Airport Mystery

NORAD was conducting a live-fly, hijack Training

For more questions the 9/11 commission is refusing to
ask, please visit the Family Steering Committee website:

For more information on the 9/11 Truth movement, please

Thank you and sincerely,


Below are 72 select email addresses for both mainstream
and alternative media outlets, as well as the
commission itself. Copy and paste the first one into
the "to" field and the rest put into the "bcc" or "cc"
fields. (And add your own!),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 12:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Welcome to DU. :^)
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 12:54 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. 7 minutes kiddie book, after told "under attack"
I want to see that film clip showing bush reading to kids after told of the second plane, and "under attack". Someone put it online, pls.

Was it really 20 minutes?

These are my top questions.

Oh, and why we couldnt do better with interceptors.

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nostamj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. link to video
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 02:39 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Describe bush,kiddie book reading
Pls help! cpr cannot do the video files from that link you kindly supplied.

Pls describe bushes behavior in detail, and what exactly was wispered into his ear ... before the 7 minutes of continued bush reading to the kiddies.

Wondering ... that first plane, before bush entered the school. do we give him a free pass, as it was not clearly a plane attack? Or was it clear to higher levels of gov, who know how to evaluate such odd things better than you and i do.? Second plane, clearly something afoot. but the first?
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zydeco Donating Member (152 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. My apologies for the mistake. Thank you for pointing that out.
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lostnfound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 02:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
8. Or fail to give us details on Atta's officer training at Maxwell AFB.
Edited on Sat Jun-19-04 02:37 PM by lostnfound
Or if not Atta (they did claim that it was a different Atta at one point), then how about the other 4 that got training at US domestic military bases?
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 03:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
11. I want to know why the second tower and Pentagon weren't evacuated
no one ever, EVER asks that question.
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 03:24 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Second tower wasn't evacuated because of flaming debris on the plaza
People were being hit and killed on the plaza.

BUT, had NYPD/NYFD had any idea another plane was hijacked, they would have evacuated. Had they been warned if possible terrorist attacks, had they had ANY information, they would have evacuated.
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merh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 03:36 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. I'm with you. At the WTC, those in the 2nd tower were told every thing
was fine and to return to their offices. They were sent back to their deaths. If the admin had given the NY Port Authority a heads up that there had been intelligence that the WTC was a target, do you think they would have sent people back to their offices in the 2nd tower?

Damn them all, questions need to be answered.
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 03:03 PM
Response to Original message
10. VACATION>> Bush & Cheney left DC to escape attacks they knew were imminent


July 16, 2001: British spy agencies send a report to British Prime Minister Tony Blair and other top officials warning that al-Qaeda is in "the final stages" of preparing a terrorist attack in the West. The prediction is "based on intelligence gleaned not just from MI6 and GCHQ but also from US agencies, including the CIA and the National Security Agency," which cooperate with the British. "The contents of the July 16 warning would have been passed to the Americans, Whitehall sources confirmed." The report states there is "an acute awareness" that the attack is "a very serious threat." This information could be from or in addition to a warning based on surveillance of al-Qaeda prisoner Khalid al-Fawwaz (see August 21, 2001).


The Secrets of September 11
The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. Does the 2004 election have anything to do with it?
Newsweek Web Exclusive
April 30, 2003


Some sources who have read the still-secret congressional report say some sections would not play quite so neatly into White House plans. One portion deals extensively with the stream of U.S. intelligence-agency reports in the summer of 2001 suggesting that Al Qaeda was planning an upcoming attack against the United States—and implicitly raises questions about how Bush and his top aides responded. One such CIA briefing, in July 2001, was particularly chilling and prophetic. It predicted that Osama bin Laden was about to launch a terrorist strike “in the coming weeks,” the congressional investigators found. The intelligence briefing went on to say: “The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or no warning.”

The substance of that intelligence report was first disclosed at a public hearing last September by staff director Hill. But at the last minute, Hill was blocked from saying precisely who within the Bush White House got the briefing when CIA director Tenet classified the names of the recipients. (One source says the recipients of the briefing included Bush himself.) As a result, Hill was only able to say the briefing was given to “senior government officials.”


Summer Spinning
To GOP, Vacation Boosted Bush Agenda; To Democrats, Voters See a Shirk Ethic
Aug 29, 2001


Democratic officials were delighted to turn on their televisions this month and see late-night comedians, night after night and week after week, using Bush's "working vacation" as a running gag that competed for time with the troubles of Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.). David Letterman, who cracked that Bush's vacation will end Jan. 20, 2005, asked one night, "Unwind? When the hell does this guy wind? Come on."

The president will leave his ranch here Thursday morning and fly back to Washington to face a sagging economy, a tight budget and a Senate that does not seem inclined to give him many more trophies to go with his tax cut. Officials in both parties agree that depending on which images of his month out of Washington wind up sticking with voters, Bush either will have more leverage for the battles ahead, or will be hobbled by fresh doubts about his command of the job. "Everything depends on whether he is seen as taking charge when there's something to take charge of," said Richard E. Neustadt, a presidential scholar at Harvard University. "But there is a view of Bush that he's a total lightweight. This makes it an easy shot, so it was a risk for him."

The White House had announced that Bush would stay at his 1,600-acre ranch in Crawford from Aug. 4 through Labor Day on Sept. 3, a 31-day stretch that would have broken a modern record for a presidential vacation, held by Richard M. Nixon for a 30-day trip to San Clemente, Calif., in 1969. News reports played up the record, and a Gallup Poll found that 55 percent of respondents thought Bush's vacation was too long.

The length of the trip revived old questions about Bush's work ethic, and the poll and the news coverage caused consternation in the White House. Aides said they had planned an ambitious schedule for Bush as long ago as late June, but reporters were not told about it, even after they landed here. The White House, suddenly defensive, took every opportunity to show Bush on the go and even created a "Western White House" logo for the briefing room at Crawford Elementary School. Bush revealed that his ranch had new video conferencing equipment for keeping in touch with his national security team.



News story - Aug. 15, 2001
A Working Vacation
Vice President Cheney plans to fish, travel during month-long valley sojourn.
By Angus M. Thuermer Jr.

Vice President Dick Cheney took time off from his month-long working vacation Monday to outline his plans for August in Jackson Hole and to reflect on "an amazing year."

Cheney, who will live at his Teton Pines home about six miles west of Jackson until Labor Day, defended his energy policy, supported a local decision to limit drilling around the Gros Ventre Wilderness, recalled a life of service in Washington and said his health problems are not affecting his ability to fish for trout on his favorite Western waters.


Ashcroft Flying High
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2001

(CBS) Fishing rod in hand, Attorney General John Ashcroft left on a weekend trip to Missouri Thursday afternoon aboard a chartered government jet, reports CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart.

In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.

"There was a threat assessment and there are guidelines. He is acting under the guidelines," an FBI spokesman said. Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it.


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