Howard Dean wows crowd, again, in Chicago, just as he always did.
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:20 PM
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Howard Dean wows crowd, again, in Chicago, just as he always did. |
He spoke at a "Bridge the Gap" health care rally here in Lincoln Park along with Jan Schakowski and Jessie Jackson Sr. on universal health care. It was a very stood rally but Howard stole the show exhibiting the same old magic he always has. The large crowd jumped to their feet when he was introduced and cheered and hollered for several minutes. We really loved it when he repeated favorite lines from old speeches ("they even have universal health care in Cost Rica...etc.")
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:24 PM
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1. I can't wait for his convention speech. |
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:46 PM
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4. That's two of us, Kaity |
Howard Dean's the best! :loveya:
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:35 PM
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For reporting on this from Chicago...I love Jan Schakowski,Jessie Jackson Sr,too...and am so proud of what Dean is still accomplishing for us all.
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:44 PM
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3. I saw all three of them in DC |
Each one is a great speaker in their own right. Jan has quiet a way with a story. She is very funny. Howard of course is my candidate and Jesse had me in tears talking about poor white women, who are the largest group of poor people BTW (which was his point), cleaning hotels they can't afford to stay in. Rev Jackson is a truely spiritual man and I hate the right wing for trying to destroy him.
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Sat Jun-19-04 04:48 PM
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Rev Jackson is a truely spiritual man and I hate the right wing for trying to destroy him.
I'm not listening to any more crap about Jesse Jackson. :mad:
Did y'all see the picture of him comforting Willie Nelson at Ray Charles' funeral yesterday? Willie knew where to go for comfort.
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Sat Jun-19-04 06:34 PM
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I have seen Howard speak three times and got to shake his hand twice. Every time I have seen him I have been moved to the core of my being. If only he could transfer some of his excitement to Kerry. Kerry is a fine speaker when he has an enthusiastic audience but he does not have the fire of Dean. Kerry needs to take speaking advice from Dean and Mario Cuomo.
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Sat Jun-19-04 06:41 PM
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Kerry speaking a a real snoozer. He just does not have that quality great orators need.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:43 PM
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