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Leo Strauss and the Noble Lie: The Neo-Cons at War

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shraby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 04:26 AM
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Leo Strauss and the Noble Lie: The Neo-Cons at War

As our Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once noted in an off the cuff remark, strategic truths sometimes need be defended by a “bodyguard of lies.” Here Rumsfeld was thinking no doubt of Churchill’s famous quip defending Operation Fortitude, the mock invasion force aimed at Calais that drew the attention of Herr Hitler and his high command away from the Normandy beaches and hid the Allies’ operational plans in the summer of 1944. Rumsfeld’s critics in Washington and London, however, have in mind more the history of contemporary philosophy than the history of WWII.

In the past few months, the “bodyguard of lies” metaphor has been redeployed and used to characterize the Bush Administration’s raw manipulation of the CIA and other intelligence agencies for propaganda purposes and for the gross deceit that seems to characterize the rationales put forward for their Iraq policy. Of these there were many--WMDs, a suspected connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, or the humanitarian rescue of the Iraqi people. They shifted depending on their intended audience and perhaps the day of the week. The “imminent threat” of WMD’s were emphasized for the British public while links to “Al Qaeda-like terrorism” were stressed at home – where the fiction that Saddam was directly involved in the September 2001 attacks has been firmly embraced by over two thirds of the American public. As Olivier Roy rightly noted last May, ”Washington’s stated war goals were not logically coherent, and its more intellectually compelling arguments were usually played down or denied.”

By the summer of 2003 - when the hunt for banned Iraqi WMD’s had gone nowhere and the Al Qaeda connection to Saddam had disappeared into thin air along with Saddam and Osama themselves, the cumulative disappointment shook the official rationale for the Anglo American invasion of Iraq. This placed Mr. Rumsfeld and the civilian policy makers in his Pentagon group on the defensive and set them up for the critics who had been waiting impatiently in the wings during the short but triumphal march to Baghdad. Secretary Rumsfeld’s credibility problems had now become Blair’s and Bush’s nightmare—provoking a transatlantic media storm that has touched the political establishments of the co-belligerents.

In London this affair has mainly raised questions about the honesty of Mr. Blair and his press and defense secretaries. In Washington it has done so as well, and the prevailing view of the Administration’s war policy among its critics is summed up succulently by the United for Peace slogan: “Bush lies—Americans die.” But this affair has also a raised a related and perhaps even more troubling question about the philosophical roots of the ideology that’s driving the “counter-revolution” in foreign and domestic policy within the Bush Administration. In short, the relation between strategic disinformation and political truth has been very much on our minds of late—along with some concerns about the lessons taught by Leo Strauss to the brilliant group of his former students who now occupy the seats of power in Washington.


THIS IS A MUST READ! Please Kick it.

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Swamp Rat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 04:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. The ghost of Leo Strauss...
... haunts us to this day. We should all be students of Leo Strauss in order to understand his twisted Neo-Platonic philosophy. There are for than just a few Strauss zealots out there, besides Wolfowitz. The University of Chicago school of business bred some of the NeoCons we are faced with today.
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pretzel4gore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 08:04 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. why has this crank replaced ayn rand(isacowski)?
i never heard of strauss before last year, whereas randisacowski was reputedly the inspiration of all those goofs (greenspan, milton friedman etc)
is mrs randisacowski not cranky enough (ie she's a gal!) for the bushit media?
jeesus christ
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I thought so. Donating Member (466 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 06:10 AM
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2. Kick
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