start now: be prepared! There is plenty of information available on documenting your belief system in such a way that when the draft is reinstated, you can declare C.O. status. People who are interested in helping young people can contact the Center on Conscience & War at 1830 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20009 (ph:202-483-2220)
It is important to understand that you do not have to be "religious," belong to any organized church, or even believe in God. However, you would do well to understand exactly what the system requires; have certain basic documentation prepared; and I strongly recommend that you consider being affiliated with a group with anti-war credentials.
I share my friend and brother mopaul's concerns. I also have two sons, ages 20 and 17. I have a dozen nephews. I have a hundred friends that have children, or are youths, in that age group. I believe it is perhaps the most important issue facing many of us today.
This is why I keep asking: how far are we willing to go? I mean, I can afford to move my boys to a foreign country. I hope it doesn't come down to that. But not everyone can. I am 100% interested in helping other people with this. But some of us may have to give of ourselves. We may need to sacrifice. I again ask: are we -- the parents -- willing to suffer? To what extent? Brother Mopaul: if you had to give up your anger and rage to save your sons' lives, could you? That's a serious question .... and I ask it in all sincerity, as a father who believes you love your sons just as I love mine. I am interested in your response.
(PS: I am hoping your son could put your new picture on a t-shirt for me today. I like it a lot!)