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George W. Bush: Groveling bin Laden Family Buttboy

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Beloved Citizen Donating Member (522 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 11:17 AM
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George W. Bush: Groveling bin Laden Family Buttboy
One of the great revelations of Michael Moore's brilliant new cinematic expose' of the disastrous Bush administration is that George W. Bush's staff had intervened to allow the bin Laden family to escape the United States almost immediately after a member of their family had murdered 3,000 Americans with hijacked aircraft. This without their having to suffer the indignity of any form of interrogation or interview by either the CIA or FBI. While all aircraft had been grounded by Federal edict, private jets belonging to the bin Ladens were given special clearance by a supine Bush administration, allowing all members of this possibly terrorist abetting clan to flee and return to Saudi Arabia where they could be shielded from the just wrath of the American people.

Imagine, Osama bin Laden had just murdered 3,000 innocent people with hijacked aircraft, and the President of the United States allowed his family to flee the country in, you got it, aircraft that they themselves controlled.

How could such a thing happen? Money and connections, of course. George H. W. Bush and the billionaire bin Ladens had partnered in many highly profitable enterprises over the years. And hadn't the bin Ladens invested in oil enterprises owned by Shrub himself? And how could such a small thing as 3,000 dead Americans get in the way of such excellent business relationships? Besides, when has a Bush ever stood by the United States when there was money to be made? When you consider that clan patriarch Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush had maintained illegal business arrangements with Nazi Germany after World War II had been declared, well, you can see that the acorns truly did not fall far from the tree.

What is particularly revelatory here is that the well-being of the family of Osama bin Laden took precedence over the fate of those who died in New York City or Washington DC. While it took almost a week for Bush to visit the scenes of this terrorist butchery, the bin Laden family received their relief within mere hours.

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EdGy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 11:25 AM
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1. you've GOT to read House of Bush, House of Saud
by Craig Unger.

It documents in full detail all the links between the Bushes and the Saudi royal family and others including bin Ladens. Excellent book that is very well researched and documented. Apparently Unger worked with Moore on the F9/11 movie also.
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