I agree, very odd. I have another odd comment, dealing with Nick Berg. Apparently, Berg was detained earlier for some sort of infraction, later released, and he planned on suing the federal government for his detainment. Berg was then picked up by alleged al-Qaida representatives. I have some questions-
1. Body...where is it? It was reported that the body was found, later recanted.
2. Method of execution is the same, but, are they the same killers. With the recent death, the leader came out and said why Johnson was killed. Berg did not receive the same treatment, nor were the days up to the death the same. Are both of these cells related to al-Qaida, to the Iraq militia cells, or to any number of other terrorist groups. Johnson worked for the military, Berg worked for civilians, are these terrorists picking up any americans they see, or are they targeting specific people.
3. Nick Berg was a high priority threat against the government. He was getting ready to come out and speak out against our forces in Iraq, and do who knows what through legal action...was Berg set up, if so, was Johnson set up. I'm not saying there is some sort of foul play here, but I think all avenues of examination need to be looked at.
4. Finally, a south korean man has just been taken hostage, and they are threatening to kill him if south korea doesn't pull out of the coalition...my question is, is anyone safe over there? how can we protect the Iraqi civilians if we can not protect our own people, or members of the coalition. Spain was bombed for helping us. South Korea is being punished. We brought harm to these countries, with no means of protecting them. It is our fault that a 30 some odd year old man, who worked for an Arab company helping Arabs set up infrastructure, is slated for execution in under 24 hours. It is our fault Johnson, Berg, and countless others who worked for the sole purpose of bettering humanity are dead. How have we made it safer by removing saddam, by sending our troops over there? If anyone can answer that, I would be much obliged.