As Bob Dole might say, "You know it, I know it, and the American people know it." And Karl and Dubya are starting to know it too. They have real problems with the military vote because of their decisions in the Iraq War. And this includes families of military also. And many of these are in Southern states. They are concerned.
It's almost as if Dubya was born under a bad sign. He started out on the wrong foot with the sight-seeing submarine that surfaced and killed the Japanese students. Then he had the problem with the Chinese forcing down one of our planes and Bush had to grovel to get it back...in pieces carried by a Russian transport.
Then he was asleep at the wheel and ignored the warnings from intelligence and permitted terrorists to bomb the WTC...Then there was the space shuttle disaster...then the largest blackout in the history of our nation...
Not to mention his problems with deficits, spending the surplus, losing our nations credibility around the world, etc. Think about it. This guy has been one disaster after another. The only thing that has kept him from being strung up by an angry mob is an ass-kissing media and a world-class propaganda set up...