Mystery solved? Bush returns to the classroom wearing the grey jacket. Has he changed clothes and if so, why? is no laughing matter. video is 11 minutes long and 23 megabytes large, a lengthy download. On slower connections, it can take more than 30 minutes to view).
It appears the videotape cuts off a little early from Bush's classroom visit, but otherwise a picture is worth a thousand words.,
NOBODY has video of Bush actually getting up and leaving.
And the next photos appear to have different clothing.
Why do YOU suppose the man had to sit there until after the children filed out of the room?
And a national crisis taking place at the same time?
Unless he pooped his pants
and Andy was telling him that help was on the way?
This footage, obtained and presented exclusively by The Memory Hole, shows President Bush sitting in a Florida classroom for 5 minutes after he was told that the second Twin Tower has been hit and that America was being attacked. A truncated version of this footage that has been available online since June 2002 shows Bush for only 2 minutes, 10 seconds after being told. This new footage more than doubles this length of time. Emma Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla., President Bush watches video footage of the World Trade Tower attack. 12, 2002
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