<There is a brouhaha simmering within the American Catholic Church over the issue of whether to give or deny communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights. A right-wing cleric, Bishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis, has gone out of his way to publicly target Sen. John F. Kerry (D-MA), who is pro-choice on the issue. Burke has boasted, like a medieval clerical tyrant, that he would not give the Massachusetts senator the sacrament--the communion wafer--if Kerry, who is running for president on the Democratic ticket, showed up at a church in his diocese.
Bishop Burke must think he's a soul reader, too, able to look inside Kerry's spiritual life. He must have as-yet an undivulged distant surveillance device that lets him see that the senator isn't in a state of grace which would allow him to take communion.
I wonder: How does Bishop Burke feel about politically reactionary Catholics, such as that raving egomaniac, Sean Hannity, the radio, cable and TV windbag for Fox News? Hannity supports the Iraq War. Should he be denied communion?
Why stop the censuring at elected politicians? Does being a warmonger and a person who minimized the abuses at Abu Ghraib bar Hannity from participating in the sacrament of communion? Does Hannity's lust for US military hegemony around the globe violate any of the Church's fundamental principles? (As of today's date, 839 US military personnel have died in Iraq, over 11,300 Iraqis are dead, and their country totally devastated by the invasion and occupation. It has also cost US taxpayers $118 billion dollars to fund this illegal, unjust and immoral conflict.)
What is Bishop Burke's position on Hannity, who has also written two books hyping the pro-war policies of the Bush-Cheney Gang and espousing a social contract devoid of compassion for the poor? (Check out "Hannity Exposed" for his latest 15 factual distortions, 06/16/04.) Hannity, a Rupert Murdock-lke clone, poses as a "devout Catholic." Naturally, he is, like Bishop Burke, an ardent anti-abortionist.>