And see for yourself how insane it was for anyone in their right mind to trust the Bushists!!! Mar. 19 U.S. Launches War Against Iraq After air raid sirens went off across Baghdad, anti-aircraft fire and explosions were heard
Mar. 18 Saddam rejects Bush ultimatum
Mar. 17 Bush: Saddam has 48 hours to leave Iraq Washington: U.S. President gave Iraqi President 48 hours for him and his sons to leave Iraq before military action begins
Mar. 13 Iraq vote pushed back. UN
Mar. 12 Elsewhere: Yugoslavia: Serbian Prime Minister assassinated
Mar. 8 U.S. pushes for Iraq deadline. Washington
Mar. 7 Inspectors report. UN
Mar. 2 Gulf states say Saddam should go
Mar. 1 Elsewhere: Pakistan: Top al Qaeda operative caught
February 2003 Top ^
Feb. 27 Iraq says it will destroy missiles
Feb. 25 Saddam: I will die in Iraq
Feb. 21 UN tells Iraq to destroy missiles
Feb. 19 Elsewhere: Iran: Military plane crash kills 302
Feb. 17 EU moves to heal Iraq divisions. Belgium
Feb. 14 Inspectors: No banned arms found UN: Blix and ElBaradei did not rule out the possibility that weapons of mass...
Feb. 12 UN report: Iraq's missiles fly too far
Feb. 8 Blix hails 'useful' Baghdad talks
Feb. 5 Powell made evidence presentation UN: Britain and France were at opposite ends of Security Council reaction after presentation of Iraq's noncooperation
January 2003 Top ^
Jan. 28 Elsewhere: Jerusalem: Sharon wins election, calls for unity
Jan. 27 Blix: Baghdad doesn't accept disarmament UN: The U.N.'s chief weapons inspector and ElBaradei, in charge of nuclear-related...
Jan. 25 Scientists refuse U.N. talks
Jan. 21 Germany rules out Iraq war support
Jan. 20 UK to send 26,000 troops to Gulf. England
Jan. 17 Saddam: 'New Mongols' face defeat
Jan. 16 U.N. finds empty warheads One team discovered empty chemical warheads. Inspectors paid visit to...
Jan. 13 Blix demands evidence on Iraq. UN
Jan. 9 Blix: Many unanswered questions on Iraq. UN
Jan. 6 No 'smoking gun' in Iraq
Jan. 5 Elsewhere: Tel Aviv: Suicide bombings kill 23
Jan. 1 US orders more troops to Gulf. USA
year 2002 ... more > Top ^
December 2002 Top ^
Dec. 27 Elsewhere: Chechnya: 41 killed in Grozny blasts
Dec. 23 U.S. drone shot down over southern Iraq
Dec. 20 Blix wants intelligence from U.S., U.K.. UN
Dec. 19 Powell: Declaration 'fails totally'. Washington
Dec. 7 Iraq hands over arms declaration Iraq has delivered its voluminous inventory of its weapons programs to U
Dec. 3 Saddam's palace opens up
November 2002 Top ^
Nov. 18 UN Inspectors Arrive
Nov. 13 Iraq accepts U.N. resolution
Nov. 12 Parliament rejects resolution
! Nov. 8 U.N. passes Iraq resolution 1441 UN: Security Council resolution demands unfettered access for U.N. inspectors to search for weapons of mass destruction
October 2002 Top ^
Oct. 31 Elsewhere: Italy: Children killed in earthquake
Oct. 25 Elsewhere: Moscow: Russian troops storm theater
Oct. 22 Iraqis protest missing 'prisoners'
Oct. 20 Prisoner amnesty
Oct. 10 Congress backs Bush war powers. Washington
Oct. 1 U.N., Iraq agree on inspections. Austria
September 2002 Top ^
Sep. 24 Blair: Iraq weapons threat growing. England
Sep. 19 UN inspectors to send team to Iraq
Sep. 16 Iraq agrees to weapons inspections
Sep. 15 Saudis offer bases for Iraq strike. Saudi Arabia
Sep. 8 Ex-arms inspector defends Iraq
Sep. 4 Bush to seek Congress approval on Iraq. Washington
August 2002 Top ^
Aug. 28 EU alarm at U.S. posture on Iraq. European Union
Aug. 22 Elsewhere: China: Million people battling lake
Aug. 20 Hostages at Iraqi embassy. Berlin
Aug. 19 Elsewhere: Chechnya: Crash: 115 servicemen dead
Abu Nidal dead
Aug. 17 Russia, Iraq close to $40b deal. Moscow
Aug. 13 Elsewhere: Czech Republic: Prague floods surge to new peaks
Aug. 8 Saddam: U.S. attack 'doomed'
Aug. 2 White House skeptical of Iraqi offer. Washington
Aug. 1 Iraq offers arms inspections talks Iraq has invited the UN chief weapons inspector to visit Baghdad for...