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Was it part of a set up?

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nolabels Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 02:12 PM
Original message
Was it part of a set up?
Put on your tinfoil hats :tinfoilhat: (you will need the protection)

Assuming you don't stop your war in the middle of it of course

Maybe that first invasion including "massacre in Afghanistan" was more of a set up for destabilizing / clean up operation for the prior operations that took place in Afghanistan. The people or groups they killed and got rid of must have first on the list for some reason. The spooks, NSA, CIA or what ever rouge or splinter group(s)just couldn't declare war them, but they obviously needed them gone for several reasons. Think about how that might of worked.

We are told this supposed master mind Bin Laden set the whole 9/11 attack thing up. I say that is more than impossible, he may have been the patsy on which to have the part of it set by him, but mostly I believe otherwise. M. Moore made stated that obvious conclusion there was no way them flight school boys were able to fly them two planes so exactly into the WTC towers. This means outside help in the least. Who would benefit and what could they gain, what was the goal?

Must of been several reasons for 9/11 just postulation of one more
Afghan massacre haunts Pentagon
By Luke Harding in Dasht-i-Leili
September 14, 2002
The Guardian

The dead are not hard to find. Turn left into the desert after the town of Shiberghan and they lie all around - some in shallow graves, others protruding from the sand.

The clothes they wore are still there: decaying black turbans, charred shoes, a prayer cap, even a set of rusted car keys. In the nine months since they were buried the sun has bleached their bones white. But the jaws, femurs and ribs scattered across the desert are unmistakably human. We found teeth, thick black human hair and bits of skull.

There are a few clues to the prisoners' final moments: the site is littered with spent bullets. There are thick jackets lying above ground, which would have seemed useful to their owners last November, during the freezing desert nights.

Nobody knows exactly how many Taliban prisoners were secretly interred in this mass grave, a short distance from the main road. But there is now substantial evidence that the worst atrocity of last year's war in Afghanistan took place here; most controversially, during an operation masterminded by US special forces.

A 10-minute drive away is Shiberghan prison, where about 800 Taliban fighters who surrendered late last November at the town of Kunduz are held. The Afghan warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum controls the prison; his mansion is nearby.
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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 02:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. Must the white/Euro/American man ALWAYS be in control?
Is it not possible that the Afghan people might have one or two outstanding grudges of their own?

The Taliban EARNED that massacre and one or two others. EARNED 'EM. Frankly, I would have been shocked if they didn't happen. Not a very forgiving neighborhood.
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nolabels Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 02:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Oh to be sure they did, but everything is a collaborative effort
The northern alliance would have a hard time defeating them even with covert aid. I just think it would be very hard for the 180 in direction from what was once assets without a 9/11. The war machine economy needed a new enemy, what better way of propping or extending hegemonic war.

The compartmentalization of all these different agencies would be the only way possible this to happen also. Perfect for the command and control that took place on that day. I can only see somebody being very dirty in this whole thing.

Check out the link on #40 post out this thread if you have not seen it and can.

On 9/11, a Telling Seven-Minute Silence (WaPo re: F911)
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