By Jeff Koopersmith
I just came across this, it is almost 2 years old, but damn!<snip>
Dear Ann,
I feel like I know you.
I have raged at you because of your idiocy so often. How is it that an educated woman can be as odious as you?
Yesterday, I read your column, "Give us 22 minutes, we'll give up the country."
You write, "Rich liberals are planning to fund a talk radio network because they believe -- as The New York Times put it -- they have been 'overshadowed in the political propaganda wars by conservative radio and television personalities.'"
I am not sure you get it, Ann.
And it is you, Ann Coulter, who are a traitor.
You are a traitor to everything America should, and did stand for: freedom, compassion, the rule of law.
You twist these principles into some brutish beast that piles-on at your command -- attacking the weakest among us.
You write that Rush Limbaugh has been driving liberals crazy for years -- but in fact, without liberals Rush's audience would be cut by as much as 60, maybe 70 percent, because it is we who listen to him, laugh at him, and sometimes fret that our idiot brothers actually believe what he says.
He's a sideshow, a laughing stock, a cancerous idiot who we've ignored too long -- just to keep him around for amusement perhaps.
<Read the whole thing... long, but it is worth it!>