Madonna might start singing, “Pope, Don’t Preach.”
The lapsed-Catholic diva has come under scrutiny from the Vatican because of her support of Kabbalah. The former Material Girl has become the world’s highest-profile member of the Kabbalah Centre, a controversial offshoot of Judaism, and has even taken on the Jewish name Esther. But now, the Vatican is holding a special summit with Catholic leaders from around the world, hammering out a way to deal with so-called “New Age” religions and fads that pose a “threat” to Christianity.
The council, which met last week, singled out “Kabbalah as espoused by Madonna” — as well as a number of other faddish religions, according to a report.
“In the past, the Pope has criticized Madonna for the contents of her concerts,” says cult expert Rick Ross, who has closely followed the activities of the Kabbalah Centre. “Now, ironically, it’s become a theological issue.” City) Spain's Prime Minister got a severe tongue lashing from Pope John Paul Monday over proposed legislation to grant same-couples the right to marry.
Socialist leader Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was summoned to the Vatican to hear the papal blast just weeks after Zapatero announced his government would bring in a bill to allow gay marriage. (story)
In a private audience the pope told Zapatero that his government must conserve ethical and moral values rooted in its Christian culture.
Following the 15 minute meeting the two emerged and the pope read a public address to Zapatero in which he made clear his concern about gay marriage, telling him that the Spanish government must "give due attention to ethical values that are so rooted in the religious and cultural tradition of the population."